Tuesday 11 September 2012

She said beauty - September box arrival

I just wanted to publish my box so everyone could see what was inside I'll add my review later in the month once I've had chance to full try everything.

I've eaten the Popchips and didn't think they belonged in a beauty box - thank god they were a freebie!!

Ojon Damage Reverse

Today I have received Ojon's Damage reverse.  Whilst i do have partially died hair it is in no way dry or damaged, I have naturally oily hair and this seems to keep my hair in decent condition.

I have tried this and would not recommend for people who suffer with greasy hair, it smells nice and whilst after initial wash hair feels and looks good, once natural oils and mixed in my hair looked a mess and had to be re-washed.

It's £32.50 for 100ml's from Boots and would be useful to those who have dry damaged hair either from dying, drying or sun exposure.

Neal's Yard Remedies - Beauty Sleep Concerntrate

I sent off for a Neal's Yard Remedies brochure to see what the prices were like and if there was anything suitable for Christmas pressies, in the brochure was two free samples of NYR's Beauty Sleep Concentrate.

It is for all skins types and claims "recharges and works with your skin's natural night time rhythm"  now i didn't know my skin had a night time rhythm...

Anyway it smells nice and you can tell this is a high end product the way it melts into your skin yes my skin did feel nice afterwards but £31.50 for 30mls I'm not going to be using again.

Biotherm Blue Therapy Serum

Today I received Biotherm Blue Therapy Serum.  I was slightly intrigued by this, it states visible results, not something I ever believe in.

Whilst it did leave my skin moisturised I would need to use more of it to see if it lives up to it's statement of smoother skin, even complexion and firmer feeling. I won't be rushing out to buy - current selling price is £52 for 50ml not a bargain.

La Petite Robe Noire - Guerlain Paris

Today I  have received a sample of La Petite Robe Noire by Guerlain Paris.

I love the packaging, very Parisian.  The full size bottle looks lovely and I could see that sitting on a dressing table, beautiful.  On to the fragrance.... It's very strong, like shampoo.  I can make out Black Cherry and a smokey scent, it's very unusual and not something I have smelt before.  I'm not sure who this would appeal to but it's not for me smells very soapy.

Monday 3 September 2012

Boss Nuit Pour Femme

Today I have received Boss Nuit Pour Femme.  It is a 2ml vial not the spray kind but with a topper and stick.  It is endorsed by Gwyneth Paltrow.

First impressions were "oh no not another celebratory endorsed fragrance"  boy was I mistaken.  This perfume is lovely!  It's not too heavy and is floral with a hint of musk, I couldn't stop smelling when I first applied this to my wrist, it last a long time and the under tones and base notes change as it wears.

I think I will look into buying some of this - shame there was no money off coupon.

Dueto Parfums

So today I  received some nice beauty freebies from Dueto Parfum.  
4 x1.2ml perfumes in a black organza bag.

The perfumes: -

  • Lady Cool
  • Golden Boy
  • City Oud
  • City Love
City Love  - Smells musky and like talc, it's more evening wear than day to day office wear its a very strong fragrance when you first apply but it does wear off and the base notes come through.

Golden Boy - Smells very citrus with an undertone of leather??? a bit like bathroom cleaner not sure where you would wear this fragrance it's pungent who wants to smell of shoe leather...

Lady Cool - This one is floral smells like soap, it's nice but has given me a little bit of a headache.

City Oud - I've found it hard to put this one into words, it has a musky tone but not like City Love more a mix of City Love and Golden Boy for some reason it reminds me of Florida Mall one of the shops must use a similar fragrance in a shop.

Sunday 2 September 2012

She Said Beauty August Box

I was very disappointed by this box and feel let down.

Inside I had: 

  • White Glo Toothpaste
  • Balance Me Lip Salve
  • Redken Color Extend
  • Papier Poudre
  • Absolutley Flawless Nail Foils
  • 4711 Eau De Cologne 

I'll start with the toothpaste, i have used this and I have not seen any difference in the colour of my teeth, it cleans well and doesn't have a nasty taste but it hasn't whitened my teeth

I have really enjoyed usign the Lip Salve, I like the fragrance but do find the product to be a little runny.
No the Redken colour extent is pretty useless to me as I don't colour my hair.  I'll probably give this to a friend to try it out.

Papier Poudre it does the job and clears up oily patches, not something I have bought or used before.

Absolutley Flawless nail foils, I have never used these before and they were pretty easy to apply but didn't stay on long.

And Finally the Cologne, this smells like fly repellent, I might take it on holiday and see if it works but cannot see myself wearing it on a night out or to work.

I was pretty disappointed by this months box and I am hoping Septembers is much better or I might have to start looking at other beauty boxes.