Sunday 2 September 2012

She Said Beauty August Box

I was very disappointed by this box and feel let down.

Inside I had: 

  • White Glo Toothpaste
  • Balance Me Lip Salve
  • Redken Color Extend
  • Papier Poudre
  • Absolutley Flawless Nail Foils
  • 4711 Eau De Cologne 

I'll start with the toothpaste, i have used this and I have not seen any difference in the colour of my teeth, it cleans well and doesn't have a nasty taste but it hasn't whitened my teeth

I have really enjoyed usign the Lip Salve, I like the fragrance but do find the product to be a little runny.
No the Redken colour extent is pretty useless to me as I don't colour my hair.  I'll probably give this to a friend to try it out.

Papier Poudre it does the job and clears up oily patches, not something I have bought or used before.

Absolutley Flawless nail foils, I have never used these before and they were pretty easy to apply but didn't stay on long.

And Finally the Cologne, this smells like fly repellent, I might take it on holiday and see if it works but cannot see myself wearing it on a night out or to work.

I was pretty disappointed by this months box and I am hoping Septembers is much better or I might have to start looking at other beauty boxes.

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